AmberRose Signature Rituals

AmberRose Signature Rituals

Choose a date and then choose one of our rituals.

Our signature rituals take you on a sensory journey that offer the ultimate spa experience that include face, body and scalp.

80 minutes of pure relaxation

Tranquility: Rose Facial + Candle Back Massage £119

Cleansing Detox: White Tea Facial + Exfoliation and Hot & Cold Stone Back Massage £119 

Repair & Regenerate:  Royal Jelly Facial + Pomegranate Scrub & Massage back hamstrings, calves £119

Mediterranean Dreams: Hydraluronic Facial + Hand & Foot Exfoliation and Massage £139

Shoreman:  For Men Facial + Hot Stone Massage back, hamstrings, calves £139

Radiant Glow: Radiance C+ Facial + Back Exfoliation and Massage £159

Your Oasis Bespoke 90 minutes £179

Indulge Me Bespoke 120 minutes can include a full body massage and full facial. £209

Please ensure you are fit for treatment prior to arrival, consult your GP if required.  If you arrive unfit for treatment without prior consultation unfortunately our standard cancellation policy will still apply.

From £119.00